Friday, March 30, 2012

PS. Happy National Cleavage Day

It's distracting and vulgar and controversial and I love it! Hurray for cleavage!


Happy weekend everyone! Eat, shop, drink, talk and laugh. (Yes, I sound like a wall decal on purpose.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Summer lovin

The weather is definitely messing with our emotions here in Montreal. Last week we were wearing sandals, this week we woke up to snow. It's getting confusing and aggravating up in here. I just can't wait to start familiarizing myself with my spring wardrobe so I can evaluate what I'm missing and look good asap! (Don't I have better things to worry about? No. Not at the moment.) We all know the first few weeks of a new season are never great in terms of fashion. People wearing flats with socks, suede shoes in puddles, sweating bullets in winter jackets...  You may or may not care but here are a few things I plan on wearing (just bought the nail polish!) :


Monday, March 26, 2012

Number One Fan

Scarves are probably my most favorite accessory. They hide unwanted cleavage at the office or at children birthday parties, they can make outfits more dressy (silky scarf) or more casual (big big scarf) and they feel like a constant hug (if the person you are hugging has almost weightless, freakishly soft, boneless arms). I recently discovered this etsy shop seller who has quite a variety! I won't be ordering these online however (the shipping is a little bit high because the seller is located in Turkey) and I'll be visiting Istanbul this summer so I am going to keep my eyes open! (You should also know the seller's name is fatwoman which is hilarious.)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Man i really really like vulgar people. I don't know why but there's something about jokes that go too far and people who are politically incorrect that I find amusing and even charming. So I'm gonna read this mother f*ckin' book asap!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Times are a changin'

Fridays are for confessions. I tend to be quite a bit resistant to change. It took me forever to get facebook, upgrade my first cellphone, dye my hair a different color... and the list goes on and on. I have had Iphone on the brain for a little while now though, for all the wrong reasons. 1. It looks alot cooler than my Blackberry. 2. So many cute accessories are available!



Now why can't they make these pretty things for my phone so I don't have to step out of my comfort zone?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This is so cute I could die

I may be a little late on the news but I just discovered this amazing concept! What a great idea (and challenge) it is to take children's drawings and make them into super unique stuffed animals.

If you still have drawings you made as a child (what, just me?) you could even get one of these made for your very own babe!  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cruiseship treasures

I discovered this amazing company while on a cruise in the Caribbean last month (no big deal). You always have pleeenty of opportunities to spend money on a ship and this was by far one of the most tempting! These witty little british artists take pictures of animals in their homes and then dress them up digitally according to what the animal's expressions inspire! These mugs caught my eye in one of the gift shops (especially the Amy Winehouse one!) and now I have to order one. Or all.  

Now I can't help but wonder how my very own pug would turn out... Jessica Simpson?

Top 10 things you should not do to your child

1. Buy them this :

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Cookin

Springtime always makes me want to cook! I'm tired of the comfort food and the un-fresh un-local foods and I'm browsing recipes online like there's no tomorrow. Except there is a tomorrow. And it includes sunshine and great food!

Martha Stewart, you rock my socks.

Mondays are for...

making online purchases!

And now we wait...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

To buy or not to buy

I always keep a shopping cart full on my favorite clothing store websites. Is that weird? Maybe. Do you want to see what's in them? Yes. I was a little disappointed this week because a few items I really wanted became out of stock on So I am left with just three items. I think they are key however and great prices and I love that anything I don't like I can just go return in the nearest store! This shopping style is ideal for two reasons. First it gives you time to really think about your purchases (always wait until the next day at least to click purchase and you might actually find yourself removing a few items). And second if you let your future purchases linger long enough, they might go on sale! Or they might go out of stock. It's like the Russian Roulette of online shopping.

And no, I am not going to wear that skirt with a yellow tube bra.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's pretty gloomy today in Montreal and the people are itchin' for some sunshine. March is always bi-polar here and my mood goes right along with it. One day I'm online shopping for a whole new spring wardrobe, my heart filled with hope and the next I'm wearing three scarves and crying about everything and nothing. So last night I decided to finally get around to reading this book. I've been meaning to ever since it came out and I'm so glad I did. It's funny and well written, just the distraction I need right now.     

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Three strikes, you're out.

I could write a novel but my attention span is most probably too short. I could write short stories but there is a limit to my imagination (and that limit is Harry Potter book one, page one). I could write poetry but I am afraid sarcasm does not make for the best poems. I could go back to school and write essays all day long but I like the job I have now (and let's be real most students look miserable- sleep deprived and broke)... So here I am! Taking another swing (take three, to be exact) at this thing they call blogging. I promise to be constituent, I promise I will not give up on this and I promise to be entertaining/funny (somewhat).